Welcome to our "3 Things You Didn't Know About" series. Our aim is to help you get to know your legislators a little better.
The Illinois Supreme Court recently upheld a lower court ruling that declared a controversial sweeping election law passed by Illinois Democrats unconstitutional. Senate Bill 2412, which House Republicans nicknamed the “Katie Stuart Protection Act,” sought to end the longstanding practice of allowing local party organizations to appoint candidates to the ballot for the general election in uncontested legislative races. The slating process requires a candidate to collect and file signed petitions by registered voters within the respective district, but Democrats tried to eliminate the slating practice altogether.
While we do all we can to keep ourselves and our families cool, let's not forget about our four-footed friends. The best way to keep your pets safe during a heatwave is to follow these steps from the Humane Society:
A recent competition held by the American Farmland Trust and Farmers Market Coalition named the top 10 Farmer’s Markets in Illinois, as reported by the Illinois Farm Bureau:
In Urbana on the University of Illinois campus sits a historical marker that reads: "In 1953, John R. Laughnan discovered that kernels of mutant corn were "unusually sweet." Within eight years, Laughnan had developed the "Illini Supersweet" hybrid that revolutionized the sweet corn industry. Supersweet, now a dominant variety internationally, is higher in protein and lower in calories than conventional sweet corn."
Household hazardous wastes (HHW) are materials that are residentially generated but potentially have the dangerous properties of hazardous waste when they are no longer used for their intended purpose.