Receipts from both the personal
income tax and the corporate income tax have also seen growth compared to
FY13. Revenue from the personal income tax is up $205 million (net of
refunds) and receipts from the corporate income tax are up $75 million (net of refunds).
Perhaps the strongest surprise in growth is due to the sales and use tax, which
is up $139 million year to date. Strong
continued growth will be necessary to provide sufficient revenue to support the
$35.446 billion appropriated in this year’s FY14 spending bills. More information may be found at http://cgfa.ilga.gov/Home.aspx.
Concealed Carry
Headcount of approved concealed carry
instructors surges. The Illinois State Police reported as
of Wednesday, October 2, that more than 860 instructors have been approved to carry
out the training required for a license to carry a concealed handgun in
public. More than 1.6 million Illinois
residents possess Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) cards and will be
eligible, no later than January 2014, to apply for a concealed carry
license. The training may, for some
applicants, require up 16 hours of instructional time in firearm basic skills
and safety training; but persons who have taken a wide variety of gun-safety
instruction earlier, including several courses offered by the National Rifle
Association (NRA), will be granted the right to seek a partial waiver that will
reduce their training time and instructional expenses.
New concealed carry draft rules
released. In addition to the new instructor headcount,
the State Police released new draft rules on Monday, September 30 to govern
their implementation of the concealed carry program. These rules are a necessary part of the
countdown to January 2014, which is the mandated deadline set for full implementation
of the concealed carry law.
The new State Police rules have met some, but not all, of the
concerns raised by gun advocacy groups, which saw an earlier version of these
rules as lacking flexibility for experienced participants in shooting
sports. Concerned gun owners may want to
look up the State Police’s website for further concealed carry information at http://www.isp.state.il.us/firearms/ccw/ and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
at http://www.isp.state.il.us/firearms/ccw/ccw-faq.cfm.
House committee hears testimony from
Archer Daniels Midland. The hearing by the House Revenue and Finance
Committee, held in Chicago on Tuesday, October 1, heard a plea from
high-ranking executives of Decatur-based Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) for State
help to maintain their global headquarters in Illinois. The 30,000-employee firm, which had stated
that it plans to maintain 4,400 jobs in its historic industrial-processing
centers in Decatur, stated that their planning needs are moving the
increasingly global firm to look at headquarters opportunities at or near a
large metropolitan area with frequent air service. ADM, the 27th-ranking firm on the
sales-based “Fortune 500” list, reported sales of $89 billion worth of goods
and services in 2012, including food, feed, and fuel products.
Bits of good news in most recent State
economic report. The Commission on Government Forecasting and
Accountability (CGFA) budget and economic activity report for the first three
months of Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) contains some upbeat notes. New
Illinois car and truck registrations increased by 10.5% from July and by 13.7%
from August 2012. Purchases of new motor
vehicles are not only a key indicator of consumer sentiment but also a driver
of sales and use tax revenues to hard-pressed State and local budgets. One of Chrysler’s most successful motor vehicle
assembly plants is located in the Belvidere-based district of Representative
Joe Sosnowski (R-Rockford). These notes
must be balanced against the State’s overall dismal (9.2%) jobless rate,
depressed statewide labor force participation rate, and other indications of
continued economic sluggishness.
Energy production, new jobs near as
fracking rules under discussion. A new law passed by bipartisan
majorities of the Illinois General Assembly directed the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) to work through the summer and fall of 2013 to develop the
rules necessary to grant permits for enhanced shale drilling in Illinois. Enhanced shale drilling, called “fracking,”
centers on the injection of high-pressure water, sand, and chemicals into shale
beds to open up the tight rock and release the trapped hydrocarbons.
The New Albany shale, a thick, hydrocarbon-rich bed of sedimentary
rock under large portions of southeastern and southern Illinois, could become a
key future asset in U.S. production of oil and gas. Representative David Reis (R-Olney), who
played a key role in passage of the 2013 fracking law, represents a major
portion of the New Albany oilfield.
General Assembly
Governor files notice of intent to
appeal court decision on legislative pay. After Gov. Quinn vetoed
the portion of the FY14 State budget meant to pay members of the General
Assembly, Democratic legislative leaders filed a lawsuit against their own state
party leader. A decision by Cook County
Judge Neil Cohen, reached Thursday, September 26, found in favor of the General
Assembly on constitutional grounds – the State’s Constitution of 1970 contains
language stating that legislators’ pay will not be changed during the duration
of a General Assembly. Gov. Quinn’s
lawyers have filed notice of intent to appeal the decision.
Health Care
Confusion deepens as more than 100
health care plans to be offered to different Illinoisans.
The signup window for the federal Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”)
opened on Tuesday, October 1. Various
insurance firms are offering more than 100 plan choices, but none of these
choices will be available throughout Illinois to all patients – all of them
will be offered in specific geographic areas or to specific patient groups
where the insurance providers have expertise at providing services.
Uninsured Illinois residents will be required to use websites like
“Get Covered Illinois” to find out which insurance plans they will be
authorized to buy, but news reports indicate that this and other Affordable
Care Act websites around the country were jammed and not fully accessible this
week. The Quinn administration has announced
a $33 million taxpayer-funded initiative to “sell” the Affordable Care Act to
Illinois residents and voters.
The federal law will require all America legal residents to be
covered by medical insurance no later than January 1, 2014. Uncovered residents will face increasing
penalties after that point, and these penalties will be levied on each American
taxpayer’s tax returns through the federal income tax code.
15,000 Medicare-eligible state
retirees scheduled to be expelled from their health insurance program by
January 1. The decision by the Quinn administration to
not include Champaign-Urbana-based Health Alliance on the list of health
insurers admitted to the Medicare Advantage program is expected to require
these retiree patients to select from plans offered by nationwide health giants
Aetna, Humana, and United Healthcare.
Especially affected are approximately 6,000 Champaign-Urbana-based
retirees who have established doctor-patient relationships with the Carle
health care system through Health Alliance.
The Carle system is not on the Medicare Advantage preferred provider
lists of the three short-listed firms and persons in this category – including
persons with multiple diagnoses and challenging medical conditions – may have
to change physicians before January 1.
State Government
Federal shutdown leads to State
layoffs. Several State departments, such as the Illinois
Department of Employment Security (IDES), Department of Military Affairs
(Illinois National Guard), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), and the
Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) are mandated by Washington, D.C. to
carry out certain federal tasks that have been devolved, by law, to the 50
state governments to carry out. These
departments receive federal appropriations to carry out these tasks and
designate some of their employees to do this work and be paid from federal
funds. As Washington has not passed a
budget for fiscal year 2014 (FY14), a significant number of State employees are
receiving layoff notices. The federal
fiscal shutdown occurred on Tuesday, October 1.
Quinn, Pence reiterate support for
proposed Illiana toll road. In a joint appearance in Chicago on Friday,
September 28, the governors of Illinois and Indiana endorsed the Illiana
Expressway proposal, a joint project of the two states’ departments of
transportation. In order to minimize
public taxpayer support, the proposed 47-mile roadway would be constructed and
operated by the private sector as a toll highway. The expressway would provide access through
southern Will County between Illinois’ Interstate 55 and Indiana’s Interstate
65. The Illiana project is facing
scrutiny from land-use staff at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
(CMAP), who are questioning whether traffic on the proposed road will be
sufficient to cover costs.