Rauner’s Latest Executive Order Establishes Criminal Justice Reform Commission

“He’s trying to address the issue of safety in our prisons not
only for staff but for inmates,” said State Rep. Don Moffitt
Illinois needs to do a better job of ensuring criminals don’t reoffend, Gov. Bruce Rauner said Wednesday at the Sangamon County Courthouse.
“Illinois is in desperate need for criminal justice reform,” Rauner said noting that its prisons are overcrowded and the state is spending too much money on incarcerating people and not devoting enough effort toward rehabilitating them.
He used the occasion to sign an executive order creating a commission to recommend ways to overhaul the criminal justice system from arrest to incarceration to an inmate’s release into society.
The governor noted that 48 percent of adults and 54 percent of juveniles commit new crimes within three years of being released. Read more. Read more by Scott Redder in Heartland.