1. “Julie’s Law” prohibiting court supervision from being granted to people caught driving more than 31 miles per hour above the posted speed limit.
2. Creation of the Sex Offender Evaluation and Treatment Disciplinary Board established under SB 3638 to assist the Department of Professional Regulation in the licensing of sex offender evaluators and treatment providers.
3. SB 3764 providing greater guidance as to the name of a debtor to be provided on financing statements.
4. Banning zinc air button batteries from being sold in Illinois under the state’s Mercury-added Product Prohibition Act.
5. Continued funding of the Illinois Community Care Program for seniors as part of House Bill 206 which grants a $142 million supplemental appropriation to the program, as well as additional funds for group health insurance and old bills at the Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse and Developmental Disability Community Services.