Andersson Bill Curbing Municipal Litigation Over Boundary Lines Passes Committee

Representative Steve Andersson (R-Geneva) presented his first bill in committee on Tuesday.  House Bill 2744  amends the Illinois Municipal Code and provides that  it shall not be considered a "conflict" under this Section when a municipality that is a party to a jurisdictional boundary line agreement cedes property within its own jurisdiction to another municipality not a party to the same jurisdictional boundary line agreement.

HB2744 will insure that orderly growth can occur between adjacent municipalities and lessens the risk that litigation will break out between municipalities over boundary lines.  Andersson said “As development rebounds following the recession, more growth will naturally cause friction between communities.  This bill reduces misunderstandings and encourages the smart growth of our communities.”

The bill won unanimous approval in today’s Cities and Villages Committee hearing.  Representative Andersson looks forward to presenting future bills in committee, and further moving his government reform legislation in the 99th General Assembly.